Mission Statement
The Bonney Lake Lions Club is a motivated, innovative, vibrant, outside-the-box group of volunteers dedicated to actively identifying and serving the ever-changing needs of the greater Bonney Lake area through hands-on service projects.
What do we do?
Here are a few of the programs, events, and fund-raisers we have been a part of:
Taps at Tapps Beer Tasting & Food Vendors * Renaissance Faire Assistance * Tunes at Tapps Beer Garden * Death By Chocolate Charity Auction * Donations of clothing/school supplies/personal care items for Lions4Kids House * Camp Leo * Bonney Lake Days * Back To School Days * Beautify Bonney Lake * Open House, which benefited "PLAY IT BY EAR" * White Cane Days * Senior PROM Project * Eye Glass collection for LERC * Lions Health Safety Unit * Senior Center *
What do we give to?
Past donations have gone to: Lions 4 Kids House * Lions Fishing Derby, Relay for Life, Sight First II, LERC and new Lions Clubs in our Zone * Sponsorship of Cascade Blood Mobile * Eye exams, eye glasses and hearing aids * LEO Club development * Community Summit * Bonney Lake High School Scholarships * Senior Center Holiday Dinner
The Bonney Lake Lions Foundation
is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. Tax ID #38-3753543
Would you like to help us give to those in need?
<< Make a donation to our GENERAL Foundation
Did you know that in the Sumner-Bonney Lake School District there are literally thousands of children who qualify for free or reduced lunch programs and whose families are too poor to afford luxuries like school clothes and supplies?
Lions4Kids is a necessities resource specifically for school-age kids from 3 to18. As a convenience to families we have a limited supply of basic infant and toddler wear for siblings. That we are aware of, we are the only facility of its kind in the Pierce County area.
The goal of Lions4Kids is very simple: to provide every child who needs it with clothing, school supplies and personal care items so they are clean, groomed and outfitted like their peers so they are less likely to be targets of derision and ridicule.
Studies overwhelmingly show that children who don't feel they fit in with their peers are more likely to do poorly in school, drop out altogether or get into mischief or in trouble with the law. We hope that by boosting their self esteem and dignity they'll graduate from high school, go on to further education and ultimately obtain meaningful, sustaining employment so they can be tax payers, not social services users.
We can't control what goes on outside our doors, and the kids don't have a say either. Our role is just a small piece of support for the kids, but an important one. And thanks to each of you it's making a difference!!
Would you like to help us give to those in need?
You can subscribe to a regular monthly donation right here!
Have more questions? Contact Us!